Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

270. How I’m staying strategically positive when futuristic, for the good and the bad

Nathan Platter

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Have you ever felt like life was hurtling forward at breakneck speed, leaving you to play catch-up with your own ambitions? Well, you're not alone. Today, I'm peeling back the layers of my own rapid progression through life's milestones at 33, and how it might resonate with the hustlers and dreamers among us. From buying and selling homes to climbing the career ladder at warp speed, this episode is a reflection on the acceleration of life's pace and the discipline needed to harness it effectively.

Join me on a journey that intertwines practical life lessons with philosophical insights, from the principles gleaned in religious studies to the unexpected wisdom of the Lord of the Rings. We'll explore not just the financial and career strategies that keep us afloat in fast-paced waters, but also the emotional maturity required to embrace the weight of responsibility. If you've ever wrestled with the dichotomy of ambition and the unpredictability of life, this candid conversation promises to offer you companionship and guidance in navigating those powerful currents. Business Buyers Club
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Speaker 1:

Alright, happy morning. So a revelation I had today is, as a so I'm only like 33, right, I'm still pretty young. I'm what? Behind the years, a lot of 33 year olds are still living at home, getting life together, trying to get, trying to date someone, trying to get married, trying to have a family, trying to buy a house, and it's. It's crazy, but my wife and I have already bought and sold. Well, we've bought three homes, we've sold two, and we've bought a duplex sold that. We bought a house, sold that. We've lived in two apartments. We're in our fifth house in 12 years of marriage. We're pretty dang fast in our life progression.

Speaker 1:

I'm probably at the maturity of a 45-year-old. Let's not kid ourselves here. A lot of the folks at daycare have gray hair and wrinkles all over their face, and my kids are their same age. So I'm used to pulling the future into the present way faster than the average human being, and I think that's something that entrepreneurs do. I think that's something that go-getter, type three, type eight, tightly wound people do, for better or worse. That's something that entrepreneurs do. I think that's something that go-getter, type 3, type 8, tightly wound people do, for better or worse. That's what we do, that's great. However, though, that also means if you don't have the discipline of what you're pulling forward into the present, you're pulling the good and the bad. So when things are going really well, there's a promotion that should happen in three years, it happens in one year. A pay raise, that happens faster.

Speaker 1:

So I think I've told you before, but I have an MBA. So I went to school late in life. I got, I went for an MBA. I got mine in 10 months. An MBA typically takes two years and my program had a 10 year or 10 month track and I I did the 10 month track and I did the 10-month track. Anyhow, that's a side point, that's just an example. All that to say, if you don't have the filter or the emotional maturity which I don't I don't have this emotional maturity yet To pull the good and the bad at different speeds, you're going to pull a lot of garbage forward fast.

Speaker 1:

So when I'm talking about, hey, the gym is doing this much revenue with this much expenses and by head without the discipline, I'm also saying, oh, things are scary, things are spooky, we're going to implode. So soon. So soon is like a year away from now, six months from now, like a long time from now. It's not tomorrow, it's a long time away. And let's be real, I have personal funds I can put in. I could sell my $13,000 truck and drive an even worse vehicle, and that would get us an extra month of runway Like there's. There's some levers I can pull here. There's some credit cards I can get cash advances from I can pull here. There's some credit cards I can get cash advances from.

Speaker 1:

Doom and gloom is not here, and a big reminder of this part of it was from reading my Bible. I'll admit, though, the inspiration for this was Lord of the Rings, and there's a great conversation, a couple of great conversations, with Gandalf. One of them is where they're in the. If you're in the cave, remember the movie. They're in the cave, frodo is nervous, they're all like feeling doom and gloom, and it's only like an hour into the 10 hour movie series. Frodo was like I wish this burden had never come to me, and Gandalf says well, so do all who carry such burdens, but that is not for us to decide. So there's something forces that are good and some are evil, but there are other forces at work. Someone else was meant to find the ring, and by them getting the ring. It was meant to come to you. So everyone who's in the moment wishes it was not their turn. But our responsibility is to handle what is and what to do with it.

Speaker 1:

No, that's not the eloquent quote. That's not the beautiful wording that JRR Tolkien had. That doesn't sound as sage as how Gandalf worded it. But the meaning of that is Frodo was saying oh, this is painful. I wish the doom and suffering was not here. In reality there was still eight hours of pain to go through for Frodo, but in that snapshot it felt like everything was on his shoulders, there was plenty of runway to go. And in the moment Gandalf is saying hey, don't worry about it. Little Frodo, you little fairy foot friend, your job is to worry about the present. Go left or go right in the mines, and we'll go from there and we'll be okay.

Speaker 1:

And so, as something I need to develop on right now is pulling the optimistic, is pulling the optimistic, purpose-filled future into the present, network, implement, equip my team, train skill, develop, do that kind of stuff. And the things that are like lines of credit, rehiring staff, handling past two bills, those are not today's problems. I'm going to push those out out of reach. I'm going to pull in the good, push out the bad, and that's way easier said than done, but that is my task for today. Well, my task for today is to be a stellar employee and equipping my team on this.

Speaker 1:

But all we got to do is win the moment. If we can sell three paid and full memberships a month, we're instantly profitable Like we are not far away, and full memberships a month, we're instantly profitable, like we are not far away from a profitable studio. There are some amazing quick win things we can do and that's a speed example. So all I have to say emotional maturity. Pull in and speed up the purpose-filled, promise-filled, optimistic, futuristic good things. Pull them into the present. Push out the scary, doom and gloom bad stuff. Kick that can down the road. Six months delay drag your feet. Don't let that happen to today. And that is how you stay grounded and that is how you keep your team confident, because you're focusing on what they need to be focusing on. And when you're leading by emotional example, they are able to follow suit when they see how big dog you is doing it. That's where we're at, that's where we're going. That's rock and roll.

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