Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After
<p>Welcome to the Business Buyer Diaries. My name is Nathan Platter, I’m a full-time employee, and I bought a business! I did everything right from finding the deal, handling due diligence on 63 different opportunities, and ultimately buying a profitable gym, and boy was I in for a surprise as a new owner! I chronicle everything in real time, including the biggest wins to the stressful nights at 2am. I’m sharing my journey without sugarcoating anything, so you don’t repeat the same mistakes I do.</p>
<p>Join the Business Buyers Club! <br>
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<p>Learn Due Diligence for yourself! <br>
https://dealacademy.app.clientclub.net/courses/offers/75e59f69-9746-4b94-a6cd-562bcc9347d1 <br>
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<p>SanterMedia, my goto Gym Marketing Agency <br>
https://go.santermedia.com/nathan <br>
Tell them Nathan sent you!</p>
Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After
Latest Episodes
359. Helped an interested buyer evaluate another opportunity for sale

358. If there’s nothing more I can do then I’ve done it all, choosing to live today worth repeating

357. Upskill your coworkers and make yourself obsolete and that will get you job security

356. Quarterly team training and what I’m talking optimistic during downtimes

355. Worked the night shift, the past due letters are beginning, don’t invest in stress