Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

266. Choosing the be a Grateful person and looking for sunshine, I declare I’m not a victim

Nathan Platter

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Have you ever caught yourself grumbling about life's daily pressures, only to be struck by a moment of clarity that turns your attitude upside down? That's precisely what happened to me, and in this heartfelt episode, I peel back the layers of my journey towards gratitude. An Instagram post sparked an epiphany, leading me to treasure the simple choices and comforts of everyday life we so easily overlook. From the luxury of selecting our groceries to the invigorating sensation of a cold shower, I explore how these mundane moments can become profound when viewed through the lens of thankfulness.

Join me as I recount the path that brought me here, owning a gym amidst the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship. I lay bare the trials of securing loans, managing the stresses of business ownership, and the humbling realization that the life I'm living is, in fact, the culmination of past prayers. With no guests to distract us, we engage in an intimate and candid discussion on the art of embracing our present circumstances, drawing strength from the little joys, and why leaning into a grateful heart can be our most powerful tool for transformation. So, tune in and let's celebrate the goofy, small things together, because sometimes, they're exactly what we—or someone else—might be yearning for. Business Buyers Club
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Speaker 1:

All right, I am going to be grateful, I'm going to be grateful, I'm going to be grateful, I'm going to be grateful. I saw you can probably hear it in my voice. I've started to listen to some of the episodes as I launch them. I'm surprised to hear my personality change based on different voices, based on different phases, on how things are all going. It's just intriguing to listen to. On how things are all going, and it's just intriguing to listen to.

Speaker 1:

I saw on Instagram today where someone was grateful for the goofiest things I get to go buy groceries and I get to pick anything I want. I thought, oh, that's not a bad idea actually. And another same gal, like it was just a reel, like five or six different. No, it was like 10 different things that she was doing. It's like I get to take a shower in freezing cold water and it's fresh and I can do this like, huh, not a bad idea. And then I just realized you know, I get to have these stresses. I had prayed for buying a gym for probably. Well, yeah, at first, like I'm gonna look at 10 deals and after a while, it's like I'll never find a deal. Then, after a while longer, it's like I'll never find a deal. Then, after a while longer, it's like, hey, I'm never going to find a deal After 20, then it's like what am I going to do? I'll never get the down payment. I need to hustle and go crazy to try to get the equity injection. That's like no one's ever going to believe me. I'm a rookie Lord, help me pass a bank loan.

Speaker 1:

We barely could buy a house and, like we, there's prayers every step of the way and I'm exactly where I prayed for. And so what am I complaining about? What am I whining about? What am I stressing about this? This whole thing is a learning experience. This whole thing is what I prayed for. I didn't pray for things to start so rocky, but I prayed to be in the shoes that I'm standing in. I prayed to be in the office that I'm standing in. I prayed to be in the office that I'm talking in. I prayed to have a microphone that doesn't work and you can hear on the first like 200 episodes. I had a crummy microphone $20 off Amazon Bluetooth in my truck that has rust on it. The rust on my wife's car that has duct tape was a car we prayed for, that we're safely riding in. Everything we're living in right now is an answer to prayer, and so when stuff doesn't go the way I want to, or I'm whining or complaining, everything I'm living in is an answer to prayer, and people in other countries, cities, even my next door neighbor, might be praying to be in the shoes that I am standing in right now, and so I don't want to pray.

Speaker 1:

Lord, take me out of the position I'm in. I'm going to pray. God, give me the strength to face today and to tackle today. And I'm checking off boxes in my journal, my journal, my to-do list today. So I had some stuff for work. I'm getting it done. I have some stressors to do for tomorrow, but I'm getting them done. I have some news I have to deliver to the team that we're doing a club migration way faster than I thought. So I'm going to pray about that.

Speaker 1:

And we have air to breathe, we have food in the pantry, we have water from the sink we can drink. We were able to afford salt pellets yesterday 10 for our water softener. All I have to say I'm going to be grateful for the goofiest, silliest things, because the goofy little things that I don't even care about, like clean air, clean water. I can go outside and walk barefoot without getting stabbed or tetanus or coronavirus, like some people are afraid to even leave their house in the middle of the day, and I feel fine walking down the street at middle of the night. So, all that to say, I am going to be grateful.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to look for gratitude. It's that I don't know what it's called. It's that classic when you buy a car and then you start seeing like a yellow car everywhere you go, because you just got a yellow car. Or, like some speaker I listened to yesterday, he bought a Tesla and so now he sees Teslas everywhere. The secret is, the Teslas were always there. You just were not paying attention to them. Because you're focusing on something different and I've been focusing on despair, unease, pulling money from the lines of credit, commissions, insufficient members, and I'm not going to look for that. That's going to stand in front of my face whether I want to focus on it or not. I'm going to focus on my kids. Love me, we're eating dinner tonight. We're eating health or not. I'm going to focus on my kids. Love me, we're eating dinner tonight. We're eating health pretty healthy, I mean frozen pizza, not the healthiest, but also. It's also safe. We don't have to question that we're going to die of poison.

Speaker 1:

But I'm going to focus on the good things. I'm going to focus on the wins, the things I'm grateful for, because those are harder to find, and so I'm going to go looking for them. I'm going to actively be an investigator and go searching out for gratitude, for good things and for things that are positive, and I'm going to look for the best in people. I may have to ask my landlord to give me a one-month delay on my rent for the building and tell him like, hey, here's where we're at. I'm going to be a one-month late on rent going forward. I need one month of. I won't be able to pay rent next month and then I'll be able to start paying you after a one month break, but my account will always be one month delay, like work with me.

Speaker 1:

What can we do here? And having those conversations and believing that they're going to believe in me, because I'm going to believe in them, that we're going to find a win-win in that relationship, and that's my mentality I'm going to look for the good, look for the gratitude, look for the beauty and not focus on the despair, because despair is going to run in front of your face and scream, whether I want it to or not. So I'm going to say shush negativity, get out of here. There's no room in this for you. We're going to focus on growth, improving and bettering people's lives and living today like it's going to be a day worth living.

Speaker 1:

So that's where I'm at today, and I'm telling myself what to do, because I've been letting life happen at me, happen to me, and I have not been driving the driver's seat. And I'm grabbing the wheel. Let's drive this train of gratitude. Let's go at this thing. Let's rock this train of gratitude. Let's go at this thing. Let's rock and roll. We're going to have a great day today. Let's keep on going. It's 4.30. There's still six hours of daylight to go. Let's rock and roll.

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