Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

259. Health lessons from owning a gym and seeing how people truly make life changes

Nathan Platter

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Ever wondered what it truly takes to revolutionize your fitness and health? Join us and discover the transformative journeys that unfolded during a recent 10-week fitness challenge. We unearth the details behind astonishing improvements in body composition, strength, and endurance. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's the narrative of muscle built, fat shed, and the push-up counts soaring sky-high. Plus, we'll dissect the critical role nutrition plays in shaping these success stories—like the inspiring account of one participant's health metamorphosis through cutting back on alcohol and embracing meal prep. Prepare to have the veil lifted on what real progress looks like, and it's not always what the scale tells you.

This episode isn't just about celebrating triumphs; it's a candid reflection on the obstacles to sustainable lifestyle upgrades and the power of expert guidance. I get real about my personal quest for a healthier work-life balance, echoing the universal challenge of making and sticking to impactful life changes. Through our discussion, it becomes clear that the magic lies not in the accumulation of knowledge but in its strategic application. Brace yourself for some hard truths that could very well be the catalyst you need for growth in your health journey and beyond. Ready for a dose of reality that could kickstart your path to a healthier you? This is where it begins. Business Buyers Club
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Speaker 1:

all right, all right, all right, hey, hey, hey. So we just finished the test out, folks finished up their fitness accomplishments and we're talking I'm talking about just like health and nutrition and fitness a little bit right now, not so much business, not so much other stuff, so it's more like just health and fitness today. So skip if that's something you want to hear, but here it is. So 10 weeks ago people started we do pushups, sit-ups, we do body measurements for arms and all sorts of things. What I noticed for folks that wanted a big transformation, whether they started in a really bad spot health-wise or average, or even a few folks that are like in pretty good position, in pretty good position Across the board, there are a handful of folks. So, of the documents that we do a physical paper, we write down your starting weight, your body fat, your muscle, your skeleton weight, like everything. We do an in-body scan so we basically determine how your body composition is made, and so, from there, if you lose 10 pounds, that could be good. If you lose body fat, it could be bad if you lose muscle. So we want to make sure we're losing the right things, gaining the right, and it was crazy so, out of how many pieces of paper? Probably 70, we'll just say 60 pieces of paper. A lot of people had good improvements. That's fantastic. We also did push-ups and sit-ups. So I want to we also track if your body is able to do more of the right things, if you can start doing push-ups or do more push-ups, if you can start doing sit-ups or you can do more sit-ups. Both are important. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

A lot of folks struggle with the nutrition and some folks that can do many more pushups. I think that's my favorite ones. People could do like three pushups, now they can do 19. They could do five, now they can do 20. It was interesting. A few folks switched slightly, so some people used to be able to do. I'm having to pause there as I'm turning and there's a speaker in my back seat. So I'm having to pause there because I'm turning and there's a speaker in my backseat, so I'm having to be careful here. Uh, oh, oh, sorry, I'm still turning. I have a speaker on wheels in my backseat. That's not really good. Alright, here we go. Uh, some people actually like lost or decreased the number of push-ups they could do and after catching up to fear like, hey, you used to be able to do 20 push-ups, now you can do 18. And they said yeah, earlier I was doing a partial push-up, like slightly bending the elbow, and now they can do the full, deep push-up and so even just little things like that, that's an improvement.

Speaker 1:

On paper it doesn't look good, but in reality it's better. And so stats, figures, measurements, those are helpful, those are good, but you need to look at the story behind it, not just the figures on the paper. And we have our top three. I think we have our top three. We go through it just to confirm how we get our top three. I think we have our top three. We use some. We go through it just like confirm, like how we get those top three.

Speaker 1:

But it's tough Cause one of my favorite participants. He started a pretty tough spot. He started like 350 pounds roughly and now he's down to like 340 pounds, which is which is great Like he's losing weight. That's fantastic. He's working out once a day at our studio every day, and then he goes to like a CrossFit place where they do like sled pushes, jump rope, monkey bars and then another round of sled pushes and he's working out like two, maybe three hours a day Probably two honestly.

Speaker 1:

But the part that gets everyone, that stops people from making improvement, it's the food. It's the things they eat, the alcohol they drink Repeatedly. That's the kryptonite to people and it can be deceptive. Some folks still eat the same food or they'll swap it out for alternatives like from a frozen pizza to like homemade. Good improvement, however, it's still the pizza with a lot of carbs, a lot of mayo, a lot of cheese, a lot of just stuff. That's not good and it's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

One of the folks on staff actually won the challenge in another location. Ah, I'm turning red again. Here we go. Um, he won that the challenge at another location years ago. He's working at our studio because he lives geographically different, but he said what? Here's what he did. Here's how he won his challenge. He stopped all alcohol. He says he was a binge drinker and he's now he. I don't know, I didn't take for details what that means, but he was a binge drink and now he has one drink per week. So I'm like, okay, so what are you having? Like five a night? And he's like, oh, please, I would have far more all throughout the week. I'm like, okay, so 20 a week or something like that. Down to one.

Speaker 1:

Alcohol is a sneaky caloric intake. Calories are energy. Calories are what give you if you have too many calories and when you're burning, your body stores it as fat and alcohol. There's some stuff in there that tells your body to not process things the same way, so that the rest of your intake is now not being synthesized correctly. I'm not a nutritionist, so I'm getting the words wrong, but that's essentially what's going on from what I've been told.

Speaker 1:

He also stopped eating out and he made food at home. Because what is it? Fat, sugar and butter. That's what restaurants put in to make food enticing and juicy and tasty. Stopped eating out, made it home. He also meal prepped at home. So now he's predetermining what he's going to eat before he's hungry, and so if you're hungry, it doesn't matter, if he's full it doesn't matter. Like you, he has a set diet for the week so you might eat whatever you want, but he figured out what he's going to eat before he's going to do it, and there's a lot of life applications for that. And going back to this one member that I feel feel tough about, I'm going to keep their identity concealed because it's their personal stuff, but, like for him, the guy. That's like 350. He's down to like 340.

Speaker 1:

His health journey is he had a health scare, went to the er months ago. Doctor told him hey, someone's going on. He did an x-ray and he had blood clots in his lungs. He was losing circulation in his limbs. When you go to the ER because something is wrong, something is wrong and they tell him like hey, you got to do something quick. He started working out like crazy. He was on bed rest for a while. That totally like stops you in your tracks.

Speaker 1:

But here's where it's tough. It's the food, it's the diet. If that stays static and you are working out three hours a day, you cannot see the results you're looking for. This is probably I don't know if this is good or bad to say for a guy who wants a gym but I would rather fix your nutrition than fix your exercise routine. If I can only fix one, I will focus on strictly your food and your drinks, and that will get you far better results than just your workout your physical activity and I need physical activity because a body in motion stays in motion. But man, that's a consistent, groaning, sad realization. It's sad because people are doing the work they're paying for a 160, 170 a month for a gym membership. That is not cheap. And yet there's still the folks that don't see the results. They're dropping the bad weight. They're not getting the good weight. It's the, it's the food you eat and that's why there are so many like MLMs for like supplements, protein shakes, meal kits, meal plans. That industry is expensive because it's not cheap to create good food, healthy food, nutritious food, and that's where the changes happen.

Speaker 1:

If someone had $1,000 and needed to change their life and you can only pick a gym or swapping out your food, swap out your food, only. Do the food if you can't do the gym. Now, if you can do both, both are important. Don't get me wrong. I probably would do like 70% food, 30% gym membership or fitness program. Whatever May have this.

Speaker 1:

It's tough to see on paper People that put in the hard work, people that try, people that make the commitment. We had probably seven people show up every day to the studio. I've got a couple of people that missed one the commitment. We had probably seven people show up every day to the studio. I've got a couple people that missed one day because we had to cancel a class because of staffing, but like we had seven out of 70 people make it every day for 10 weeks. Man out of the, you know the seven, probably like two or three, had massive changes.

Speaker 1:

A lot of folks had like good changes but like it's disheartening to see as like a big brother from from my perspective, and it's disheartening for them like I do the work, I do the time. Why do things not change? And it's like you hired me as a consultant for 10 minutes and you follow the advice. That's what our staff would say like fix this one thing and this will your job will drop, what it can do for you. And so my takeaway for that and I'll stop harping on the food and nutrition, because I've gone there 10 minutes I'm taking away from the business side of this, or like the career side of this, the employee side of this. It's not lack of hours, lack of desire, lack of input, lack of education, lack of knowledge, it's the application and focusing on the one wrong thing.

Speaker 1:

And so asking someone who has the dream body, has the dream diet, has the dream solution, or that works at the place that you're paying money to do, ask them like, hey, give me the hard truth, I'm only allowed to fix one, maybe two things. Where should I plow my money in? Where should I focus my hard work in? Ask them like, hey, give me the hard truth. I'm only allowed to fix one, maybe two things. Where should I plow my money in? Where should I focus my hard work in? What's the hard truth?

Speaker 1:

I don't want to hear that will give me results and assume I'm going to actually follow what you tell me to do, because folks will often not tell you the thing you need to hear because they think you're not going to do it and straight up ask for that advice because often the gurus or the knowledgeable people will assume people are not going to follow the advice. So they give you, like, the thing that's going to keep you around. They don't tell you the thing that's going to drive you away and give you the lifelong solution. That's what I recommend people actually write that down. Hey, I'm going to pay a lot of money to change my life in one part of my career or my diet, whatever. Tell me the hard truths that I don't want to hear. Assume I'm not going to do what you tell me to do, but tell me what I need to hear, because I will do it and I will do the uncomfortable thing, and that's what all the staff would tell people fix the diet you're at this, go below this, swap this out, remove this from your life and you will change your life. 10 weeks. That's what I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

Um, that's what I need to incorporate into this entrepreneurship journey. What's the one thing I need to be focusing on, and for my job too? Um, my, my weight's in a healthy spot. My body composition's in a fine spot. The area that I need to improve is, I'd say, work-life balance. That's where I'm out of whack right now. So that's the takeaway from the caloric nutrition side of things. It's a lot quicker to find the top three winners because they're usually the folks that change their nutrition and their stats are are good and their life retransformations. I'm gonna stop there. That's where we're at. That's where we're going. Uh, life and health advice in there, let's rock and roll.

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