Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

257. How I’m now running meetings, a big win for one of our members

Nathan Platter

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Ever felt like your meetings could use a shot of adrenaline to actually get things done? Well, buckle up, because we're sharing a dynamic approach to shake things up! We kick off with the small victories, paving the way for those meaty, complex topics that really need our brain juice. It's not just about ticking boxes; it's about addressing the elephants in the room with honesty and strategy. And get this—our method ensures that before you know it, you're not just crossing off tasks, you're making real progress in less time. Plus, we face the music together when it comes to tough team decisions, from reevaluating a faltering sales rep relationship to the heart-wrenching task of letting someone go.

But it's not all heavy lifting. We also take a moment to celebrate the incredible wins within our community. Picture this: a member of our 10-week challenge transforming her life, losing the equivalent weight of a gym's heaviest barbell, and changing her self-perception and how her children see her. These are the stories that remind us why we do what we do, going beyond the boardroom and touching lives. So join us for this episode—it's about leadership, yes, but even more so, it's about the human spirit and the celebration of personal triumphs that keep us all inspired.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, happy Friday. Here we go. So today's a good day and I'm learning a new way to conduct meetings and meeting styles. So just to out the gate, said, hey, you know, so glad we can be here. You know there are five bullet points I wanted to talk about today. Don't worry, none of them are ultra weighty about us. Two of them are definitely more important. One has to do with the conversation with the other team member the other evening and next action items and next steps from there, as well as wanted to talk about our situation with our sales rep, the agency we're working with and that whole interaction. I know those are more heavy, so let's put those second. I know those are probably on your radar, they're on my radar. Let's knock off some quicker wins for the bullet point side of things.

Speaker 1:

And then we started going through the quick bullet points. So tomorrow we're doing our test out for a 10-week challenge group, our cohort, and you know, do you need anything from me? We're good to go. Cool, we're all set, done From there, all right, we're also doing the party tomorrow night. You know, anything you need from me Are anything you need from me. Are we all set? Anything we got to set up. Okay, cool, we're all good. Another done one quick and done. Then third one uh, I can't remember what it was, but it was a very quick punchy punchy. Uh needed anything for me, uh, and let's start getting things ready, cool.

Speaker 1:

And then, like, within the 60 minute meeting, within 10 or 15 minutes, we% done, and so now we have 45 minutes to go over the two longer two-way conversational topics. So one was the sales rep that's working with us. It's not going very well, let's just be honest, it's not going very well. And then the other one was the interaction with another team member that it looks like we have to make some changes and let someone go, unfortunately. And so what are the options? What am I proposing? How do we part ways? How do we do this? Well, how do we do this? To honor them as well as acknowledge that a decision is being made and proceeding forward. And so I like that meeting style. I think it's good to give people a quick snap cap on what is on the meeting creator's mind, acknowledging the big elephants of the room, the big weighty topics that are probably on everyone's minds, and then just tabling those for like 10 minutes and then zipping through the quick things so that the meeting has a nice, efficient, quick cadence. And then, on my list at least, I'm crossing boxes off. I'm feeling like this is a purposeful, worth mile meeting. So that's, that's what's working really well. I like that. At the end I'm I am so stoked. Um, not only we're gonna have a really good party, I'm really stoked for it um, the I'm sorry only for the right words because, like, I'm reminded yet again, like why this is a worthwhile endeavor and like why the studio is more than just a business. Um, so last session three months ago, one of our members I like to you know, get to know the room, handshake, get to know members you know, hear their stories One of the members I met.

Speaker 1:

She was a first time challenge participant. She wanted to make a pretty big change in her life and she was. She was in our top three for winning the prize and she didn't win and that's okay. But she had great results, great, great statistics, great before and after photos, a great life transformation. Her things and her personal like, mindset about herself and who her kids view her like, completely changed, which is great. That same gal shared with our management team. Like she's, she had another challenge. She did it again and this member lost an additional 50 pounds, 5-0.

Speaker 1:

And this gal, you know she's I don't know 5 foot 10, 6 feet tall and to lose 50 pounds. That is the. When you go to like a gym, you go to work out, that is the weight of the big bar that people pick up and like they bench press or they squat, so you see, like workout videos, it's the big metal bar that the weights go on. It's also the same weight as the largest plate black circle that you put on those bars. 45, 50. I mean those are 45 pounds. She lost 50 pounds in the past three months. That is insane. To do it yet again.

Speaker 1:

She's off some medications that were she was I mean, it's personal health history, so it's not my news to share but some weight-related medications that are helping her body process foods and stay healthy. She is no longer required to be on those medications because her body is back to a good functioning state. She's eating healthy, she's moving, she's active. Okay, what the heck? That is amazing, goodness.

Speaker 1:

Um, what kinds of businesses out there like? And there's so many. There's all these things that I get distracted on. I'm like, hey, this person's performing at work. This person is struggling with workout plans. This person has this landlord needs rent new. The insurance bill came through and it's now a month late. Like all these, like there's so many distractions and little things that pop up, but like the fact that we helped someone get off the medications that were keeping them going, their wardrobe now needs a refresh because they don't need to wear the clothes they used to wear. That's like drinking when I hear that, it's like drinking a cool glass of water on a hot summer day, like that's good stuff. Like man, that's really good stuff. So some heavy topics with status of some employment, people's employment status, having to make changes on that, having to deal with an underperforming salesperson, having to bring on a salesperson and double payroll for the sales department for a month Stuff like this is like oh, this is why we do this. I need this. I need to hear these success stories. Life is good.

Speaker 1:

So now, zipping back home, we're going to finish out the day strong. We're going to present some stuff to some stakeholders. We have a great, great day. Let's go get it. I'm stoked. Oh, I think I'll be getting the podcast jingle today. I heard back from an audio engineer. I think I'll be getting that jingle today. So I'm kind of stoked to hear what, after all these 250 something episodes I've been recording these without knowing what I'm even going to ever like publish these are going to jingle or how to monetize this. And I'm getting a knowing what I'm even going to ever like publish these or get a jingle, or how to monetize this. And I'm getting a jingle today. I'm kind of stoked. So little fun things to look forward to for the day. So that's where we're at today. That's where we're going. I'm pumped for the party. Let's rock and roll.

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