Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

250. One way I’m detecting burnout in myself and my team, and the solution

Nathan Platter

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Waking up at three in the morning with a racing mind is an experience many can relate to, especially when the weight of the day job and the complexities of managing a team loom over you. That's exactly where I found myself, grappling with the tick-tock of an unrealistic project timeline and the brewing storm of a team conflict. Join me as I share the invaluable lessons I've learned from a sleep-deprived night, reflecting on the necessity of balance, the art of delegation, and how to protect your team—and yourself—from the brink of burnout.

Today's conversation isn't just about troubleshooting the work week; it's a candid exploration of employee well-being and harnessing the power of a steady contribution over erratic energy spikes. As we look deeper into the dynamics of team management, we also gear up to empower listeners with insights on making smart, confident business purchases. Whether you're a go-getter employee, an entrepreneurial spirit, or a manager trying to shield your quarterback from exhaustion, this episode promises to equip you with strategies for a smoother work experience and personal growth. Let's step into this day with a clear vision and a strong strategy, ready to take on the world one balanced step at a time.

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Speaker 1:

good morning. So last night was a little rougher night's sleep. I woke up at three o'clock in the morning. I was just a little bit anxious getting ready for today, for my day job, as well as anxious like prepping for handling. Um, some employee, oh disconnect, uh some. Some one of the instructors, one of the managers are just not jiving and it's time to just have a conversation, sit down, see what the disagreement's about and be engaged and help find resolution at the end of it. And that, in combination with my day job, I basically have a project that folks are trying to turn around quicker than I think is a real possible thing. So I was actually working until 11 o'clock at night last night. So it was a 14 hour day, not 13 because I spent a little time with the kids.

Speaker 1:

But after a long work day I'm learning. If you work too much and you have too much on your mind, you're going to stress yourself out and that's going to. It feels good in the moment that you're like you're going to stress yourself out and that's going to. It feels good in the moment that you're like you're putting the extra time, you're getting stuff done, but it also robs you of good rest, good daily recovery and good sleep. And so now I'm running on 80% capacity and it's going to be a little bit morbid. I have a challenge unless I'm very intentional about being engaged and active and present. And so I have a challenge unless I'm very intentional about being engaged and active and present. So I'm learning. When there's stress, when there's too much on my plate, I need to delegate, I need to pass things off. It's tempting to keep a lot on my plate because I'm confident and competent in doing a lot, but that also prevents me from having a good carryover and that's why Mondays and Tuesdays are like power days, and then Fridays are like oh, I'm dragging, oh I'm tired, whatever. And so I need to have a more even keeled Monday through Friday, rather than a supercharged Monday and a dragging Friday, because I do too much throughout the week. So that's what I'm learning as an employee and that's what I'm learning as an owner as well.

Speaker 1:

My manager it's kind of funny. The higher up, my managers are even more proactive. So, like my head GM highly proactive, my shift leads, shift managers very proactive, and then my instructors are proactive. However, that means of all of everyone, the most likely to burn out is my head manager. And if I need anyone to burn out, it's least my head manager, because they're the quarterback of the operation. And so I need anyone to burn out, it's at least my head manager, because they're the quarterback of the operation.

Speaker 1:

So I need to, as I'm learning to identify burnout and taking in too much from myself and my own personal life. I need to identify that in my staff's life. If there's too much to do, then only do the big things that are going to matter and either don't do the stuff that's less important or hand it off to somebody else. And if it falls under no one's umbrella, then it's not even worth doing, because at the end of the day, we need eight hours of solid contribution rather than 30 hours of supercharged contribution, 10 hours of slow contribution and then feeling burnt out because people remember the burnout more than they do the even keel schedule.

Speaker 1:

So, learning more about myself, that's how I'm learning to manage and delegate with my team and that's what I want to save them from burning out and how to identify it when it comes to overwork or stress, and how to have a smooth work experience throughout the week. That's where we're at. That's where we're going. It's going to be a great day and I'm prepping for a final conversation with a partnership to really like, seal and improve how we're going to help people buy businesses smartly and confidently. That's where we're at, that's where we're going. Let's rock and roll.

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