Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

264- Podcast is officially launched! Let’s monetize this thing so the studio will thrive

Nathan Platter

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Embarking on a podcasting voyage is akin to setting sail into the vast seas of storytelling, and today marks the moment I hoist the sails. I recount the exhilaration of launching our series, the Acquisitive Podcast with Daniel Talbot and Sarah Sharp, and the mad dash to harmonize Wes Schrock's tunes with ChatGPT's artistic finesse. The journey was paved with discovery, from the pivotal decision to invest in quality audio gear—akin to the clear-cut choice to wear deodorant—to strategizing a content flood that promises to arm property investors with the prowess to transition from budding concepts to successfully closed deals. It's an auditory adventure from the trenches of trial and error to the peaks of podcasting triumph, all laid bare for your listening pleasure.

Then, we throw down the gauntlet and tackle the revitalization of a club on the brink. It's a tale of ingenuity and resilience, as I draw parallels to a restaurant diversifying its menu to weather a storm. By reimagining our offerings and broadening our appeal, I share the fervent commitment to not just resuscitate the club, but to transform it into a pulsing heart for our community and a haven for our team. The stakes are high and the energy higher—we're ready to rock and roll into a promising new epoch that's as much a revival for the club as it is a rally cry for listeners! Strap in for the ride and watch a vision turn into a vibrant reality. Business Buyers Club
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Speaker 1:

All right, we are live, the podcast has been published, we are launched, we are good to go. What does that mean for us? That means the podcast is officially on Apple, spotify and everywhere the podcast can be heard. That's pretty exciting. It only took me 260 episodes to finally do it. So the backstory about two weeks ago I got invited to guest speak someone else's podcast the acquisitive podcast with Daniel Talbot and Sarah Sharp. Phenomenal experience, glad I was there, very honored. Uh, at the end of realized he asked me like hey, do you want to, um, do you want us to plug your podcast, your content? So, yes, I need to have a podcast and content to plug. So let me publish my thing and then I'll give you the links and all that.

Speaker 1:

So scrambled, very quickly figured out needed to get an intro, needed to get some artwork done. So I hired a musician Wes Schrock to do some of the intro music. I did some voiceovers and then I just went to ChatGPT and we got the, got the podcast title or the artwork done from there. So very scrappy. It goes along with my style of figure it out as you go, just enough to keep the ball rolling and figure it out one step at a time and that's how I roll, that's how we're doing this, that's how we're running this business, that's how we're being an employee and a business owner and working with a team all at once. So it's not a professional, it's not the way to do it, but it's my way. I'm doing it because that resonates with how this brand is starting, how this origin story is beginning, and so that's what makes sense along the way.

Speaker 1:

Right now I've finally upgraded. I got a fancy microphone. Hopefully the audio comes through better. I hope it does. And historically I've been just recording in my truck through a Bluetooth speakerphone or through like a little clip-on chest thing. If I could have gone back in hindsight what I should have done, my audio guy Wes. He said hey, like the audio is clipping, it's maxing out. See if you can get something with a gain on it, like a gain or a dial or a way to do different like audio styles. I on it like a gain or a dial or a way to do different audio styles, I should have plopped down $300 to get a good audio setup.

Speaker 1:

I didn't do it. I plopped down $20. And you can probably tell, for the longest, while it felt cheap, it felt bad. It was not the quality that is up to my standards. However, it was enough to get things going and to start documenting the journey. So we're just going to roll with it, because everyone's got a story and, for better or worse, that's that story. I don't know where I heard it, but I've heard that audio in your microphone is like putting on deodorant. When you're talking with someone through like a webcam or like on a phone, and you're going to wear deodorant or you just smell like BEO and nobody wants to interact with you. So, and nobody wants to interact with you. So, hindsight, I should have plopped down $300, bought a good audio system, something to where my voice comes through nicely. Oh well, that's what we're working with.

Speaker 1:

So the podcast is launched. I'm gonna release the first 100 episodes really fast, because I'm speaking next, a couple of weeks, to a bunch of folks that own like apartment or not apartments, but like rental houses, airbnbs, some apartments, and I don't want to say like, hey, guys, check out my first 20 episodes. That sounds lame. I would say, hey, check out the first 100 episodes. That'll get you from LOI to due diligence, to underwriting, to the deal closing. If you want more paid content. Check out the sponsors. If you want more coaching, here's the links. If you want to hear how the story goes afterwards, got to wait for the links. If you want to hear how the story goes afterwards, you've got to wait for the releases. Right now I'm at 260 episodes. I've released 12. So I'm going to release probably five a day, five episodes a day, and that'll get us up to a hundred by the time I'm speaking at the next thing, and I'll just release two a day and then that'll, if I do nothing for brand new content creation, that'll take me like four months, if I mapped it out correctly. It'll take me four months If I'm I'm still writing these episodes, I'm still making, gonna be recording them. So it'll take me five or six months to get caught up to real time. Six months from now we're gonna be doing that annual PIF sale, so we're gonna be back to, we're gonna be in a good spot and I'm just I'm gonna celebrate the win.

Speaker 1:

I've been recording these. I've been in the sales world. They call it sandbagging dog. Sandbagging is where you have a deal, you have a pipeline, you've got something juicy in the hopper and you're not releasing it because you want to hit your boosters, your accelerators. You want to start getting your double quota met so that your commissions are fat and juicy. And I've intentionally been sandbagging these because I didn't know how I want to take this, how I want to roll with this. What I wanted the story arc to be it's still recording, but I'm releasing the journals, the diaries, the inner workings of my brain and the confusion and the anxiety and the newfound confidence.

Speaker 1:

I still do not, to this day, know how this is all going to turn out. I don't know if this gym is going to survive. I don't know how I'm going to pay off the loan. I got texts over the weekend from the sellers like hey, bro, if you want to pay off the seller finance notes early, you're welcome to save some money on interest. And part of it was to be like back off, brother, I'm not paying you a dollar early. You put me in a pigeonhole. You robbed me from you cut the marketing short. You left me from. You cut the marketing short. You left me with a low hanging group later. So you put me seven months behind schedule. You think I'm rolling in dough? I am 60 grand in the hole, brother, and I'm just not going to engage, and so I just went back. Hey, thanks for the offer. Nope, we're going to go with what we've had done historically. And uh, if you're going to play that game, I'm going to. If you're going to follow the contract as it's written, I'm going to follow the contract as it's written. I am not going to do you any favors, but anyhow I that's a distraction from the today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how this gym is going to go. I really don't know how it's going to turn profitable. We're going to have incredible. We're going to have incredible challenges. We're going to have stellar turnout for memberships. I've got a killer team that are just rising to the occasion. They're crushing it. I'm going to invest in member experience. I'm going to invest in marketing heavily into marketing and sales, making sure of a tip-top shape, leads and sales process. I don't know if that's going to be enough of the. I don't know how this is all going to go. I really don't, and so part of me doing this is to monetize other sides of this. Some referrals for the sales agency you probably heard about them in the ads by now Doing some courses. I'd love to lend some speaking engagements. I'd love to also do some coaching.

Speaker 1:

I want to monetize this whole thing as much as I possibly can so the gym can stay afloat. This community is incredible and if you haven't seen the stories on social media or heard about it from me enough, then I'm doing a terrible job promoting who our people are. My job is to monetize this thing as much as possible and to pay my people as much as possible and to deliver as much value as possible. To underperform and to just coast through life like vanilla ice cream is garbage. That is not who I am. That's not my calling, that's not my purpose. That's not why I'm here. So that's what we're doing. That's where we're at right now. So we're going to invest in some better audio equipment. We're going to get some better things for these challenge parties. We're going to invest in some better audio equipment. We're going to get some better things for these challenge parties. We're going to overload the sales team with phenomenal quality leads. I'm going to do some partnerships and some product development.

Speaker 1:

I want this club to survive. I really do, and I'm going to figure out how to do it, because right now, the obvious way of just stuffing it full of members is not as black and white and cut and dry, as I want it to be. So I'm going to figure out secondary ways to make this work. If you've got a restaurant that's not surviving on steak and potatoes, you start a bar, you start selling desserts, you start selling appetizers, so that the restaurant can stay afloat and serve the community. That is what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

My job let's follow the analogy here. My job as a restaurant owner is to make sure we serve as many patrons, employ as many staff and have as healthy of a business as we possibly can. And if that means inventing new desserts, appetizers, add-ons and a whole new cocktail, mocktail, thc, water section to the menu, because steak and potatoes is not cutting it, then darn it. I'm going to do that. I'm going to build a kick-ass bar and we're going to have a phenomenal dessert section. That's my job as the owner. And to make sure that our team has a solid area to make it all happen, that's my job and I'm going to own it because that is my duty as the owner. I'm excited, I'm stoked. Podcast is released. Let's, let's rock and roll, baby. Let's rock and roll.

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