Business Buyer Diaries: the Reality Before, During, and After

260. My speech to the Challengers, rest like Emmitt Smith, How not Why

Nathan Platter

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Ever wondered what fuels the fire within champions? This episode is a testament to the grit and determination that transform ordinary individuals into icons of fitness. We're throwing a high-energy bash to celebrate the sweat-drenched triumphs of our community. With each pulsing beat and shared laugh, we honor those who've risen with the dawn to chase their goals, and we shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes—the instructors and behind-the-scenes maestros—who have carved pathways to success. It's not just a look back at the victories we've racked up; it's about the stories that knit us together, the personal revolutions that have unfolded, and the collective realization that health is the true wealth we should all be chasing.

Tapping into the unstoppable drive of Emmett Smith, we dissect what it truly means to have a champion mentality. As you listen, I'll be urging you to carry the vibrant energy of our festivities forward. There's no resting on laurels here; instead, we're channeling the celebratory spirit into every jab, every sprint, every leap toward the goals that lie ahead. So, lace up your sneakers and let's keep the momentum roaring. This episode isn't just a pause to pat ourselves on the back—it's a launchpad for the next phase of our fitness odyssey, fueled by the electrifying stories and indomitable will of people like you. Business Buyers Club
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Speaker 1:

we got this going all right. All right, here we go. All right, we're doing a mic test. Is it coming through? We'll try it one more time. All right, whoa hello. All right, mic test is working. Everyone can hear me, if you can hear me in the back.

Speaker 2:

Give me a wink. All right, another time. One more time. Give me a wink.

Speaker 1:

There we go all right, I love it, love it, love it. Well, once again, everyone thanks for coming tonight. This is actually a party about each and every one of you who showed up, stayed up and got up really early in the morning for the early morning workout. So, first and foremost, just give yourselves a round of applause.

Speaker 2:

You really did a lot of hard work and really with the contribution to get the results you're going Now.

Speaker 1:

tonight is actually celebrating each and every one of the challengers. The plus ones get to come for the free food, but the drinks are not free, so sorry about that. But if you are a challenger, you put on the clothes, you kick the bags, you lifted the weights challengers, just stand up.

Speaker 2:

We're going to celebrate you. First and foremost, they're going to work with the instructor, so we're going to give you some celebration. Give you some celebration. Challengers, stand on up. We're here for you. It's your party. You did the hard work, so look at that. What an amazing crew. I love it. I love it. Actually, you can all take a seat back down. Some are introverts, some want to hide in the corner. We're going to let you do that in a moment.

Speaker 1:

Now, to make sure you had the classes that you needed to get the results that you got. We had to have some amazing instructors to get here along the way. So if you are an instructor, you put on the mic. You are getting paid by doing this. I want you to stand up.

Speaker 2:

There's going to be a handful here, so instructors exclusively. Stand up and let's celebrate each and every one of you. We love our instructors. They are what makes Ferrells a Ferrell. I love them. Oh, I love you. Raz, Thank you so much. You can take a seat down, seat down, and we got one more group of people that are going to get a little love and attention tonight.

Speaker 1:

Now, the instructors they like to show up. They sometimes show up on their own time, but the people that make sure that everything flows smoothly, it's the ship leads, it's the managers and it's our head GM actually that makes this all happen.

Speaker 2:

So if your title is manager ship lead John, amy and Platt or Santa Santa. You all get some praise too. I love it Awesome.

Speaker 1:

We can go ahead and take a seat. Everyone thanks so much. This is definitely a group effort. There's a lot of things that go into making tonight special, and I can say the soapbox all day long, but they don't pay me to do that. They pay me to do other stuff besides dance on stage. But I just want to give you some takeaways from all of this. We live in a pretty crazy world. With election season coming up, it's easy to get distracted there's going to be podcast news, uh, just crazy stuff going on and to slow life down to realize okay, I need to take some time for myself.

Speaker 1:

Everyone has a light bulb moment. For me personally, mine was actually a handful of years ago. Back in 2015, I was just taking a shower, getting ready for the day, and I looked in the mirror and I did not like what was looking back at me. It sucked. I was a little over 200 pounds. I was not the gym guy that I used to be and I panicked and actually it was to the day it was October 13th of 2015. I went for a quarter mile run around Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, and when I say it was a run, I was huffing and puffing. It took me about 10 minutes to make it a quarter mile and, just for reference, that's slower than a walking pace. So it was awful. It was not a victory lap by any means, but the next day I was able to make 20 pushups. Took me about an hour, but just a little something, and over time I've just made myself a priority. That's my personal story.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot more to that journey, but every person that stood up on that challenger session, every instructor, every manager, they have a story that is going to be very unique, very different, but everyone had that moment of oh my gosh, life is happening to me, not for me. Something's got to change because this is not my best me. So everyone has a story here, and that's part of why we have the social gathering for the first hour of our two-hour shindig tonight is to give a chance to tell your story, to get used to telling people hey, this is my moment, now is my moment. Used to telling people hey, this is my moment, now is my moment. And in a lot of situations folks will realize okay, people around me are seeing that I'm not the old me, it's usually the loved ones at home, like your spouse, your loved one, whoever, and if you've got kids, they're probably going to see you're showing up differently and eventually it's going to be your coworkers, the cousins, the crazy mailman that everyone's going to start.

Speaker 1:

Something's different about me and it's easy to see the transformations. We're going to see some amazing before and after photos tonight, some incredible stats. That's always the highlight, but the biggest commonality that everyone in this room has that you don't see is the mindset shift.

Speaker 2:

Something clicked to wake up at hey, what time do you wake up in the morning Something clicked way back.

Speaker 1:

When was that? When did you start your 3 am? When was that? Like three years ago, may of 21. What came up on? Three years, three years, that's math, right there, three years. Something clicked to realize I'm going to darn it. I'm going to get up at 4 am, 5 am, if you're in the 9 am session, you started waking up at 8 am I'm going to do the workouts.

Speaker 2:

You did something too.

Speaker 1:

Everyone here had a brain shift, intentional or pushed out of the house. But someone said you got to change. And it's easy to say oh, it's the picture is the test in. It starts in the head and that was the common shift. Everyone who is here had that moment and that's where it starts in your brain, your mindset, your self-talk. Most of us have negative 90 some percent of the time. That it shows up in our activity. A long-term thing, it's going to show up in your nutrition. So the journey is not over and there's more to come.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to finish up with two quick points and then we'll be all set to go. A lot of folks that in here will have the the why me? Why did I miss the promotion? Why do I have this sickness will you switch to? How am I going to work with this? How am I going to work with the genetics that I've got, the salary that they're not paying me enough? How am I going to work with this? How am I going to work with the genetics that I've got, the salary that they're not paying me enough? How am I going to work with what I've got? Good or bad? That is part of that switch and each and every person here has that moment. It's usually around when your mindset shifts along the way. Final point here I know that it's a Saturday. We're not open on Sundays ever, so don't worry, we're not letting you back into the gym tomorrow or the studio.

Speaker 1:

But I want to tell a quick story from Emmett Smith. Actually, if anyone watched Emmett Smith play football and you're one of those oldies, yeah, that's. That was when football really started with the Cowboys. America's team, maybe no longer, but anyhow, famous football player, world champion, phenomenal athlete. After they won the Super Bowl, there was a reporter following Emmitt Smith around. He said all right, emmitt, you won the Super Bowl. Now what? He was in the middle of his bench press, he was working out. He said well, now that that's done, I'm going to go take a rest.

Speaker 1:

Finished his rest, put the barbell back on the board, wait about two, three, four seconds, got back under the barbell, franked out another set. True story. The reporter says Emmett, what the heck are you doing? You're a champion, there's a parade, you're an all-star, you have everything you can get. He says my rest time is between sets. The work is not not done. I'm going to go win again the next time the door opens. So with all of that tonight, tonight to celebrate the wins that we have so far, I want you all to have the mindset and the practice of an Emmett Smith on Monday. The relaxation of the weekend is over. It's time to hit the studio, hit the bags and keep the momentum going. Let's go. Thanks for coming out tonight.

Speaker 2:

Let's have a great party Run.

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